Part OneIn our first meeting we will review where you are now; where you want to go; and what it will take to get there.
We will also find out what is important to you about money. It may be a strange question, but the answer is not the same for everyone. We want this to be VERY clear. So clear you can taste it. When you have a clear purpose, this creates the strong motivation needed to achieve your goals. Once we are clear about your long-term goals - your purpose for making and managing money, we can move on to where you are now in relation to that long-term goal. We will get a real deep assessment of your current financial situation. This will inform our discussion of what your needs are and where we want to go. |
Part TwoWe will then go away and prepare the scenarios to show you what the future could look like.
We will have another session looking at the draft report and possibly tweaking the report numbers. Then the final report is prepared and reviewed with you. The report includes action steps and education to get you started. |
Part ThreeThen, to ensure that your plan gets implemented, we have 3 months of follow-up coaching sessions.
The coaching includes taking a deep dive into your mindset around money. We look at your values, beliefs and motivation and make sure they support your plans for the future. We also take the action steps and break them down into even smaller bite sized chunks, if necessary, to make sure your plan is implemented. The most efficient way to work together is virtually - through telephone, Zoom, or other internet streaming services. This gives us more flexibility in scheduling and location - no need to meet in person! And we can deal with any issues "in the moment" if necessary. |
Suite 305 - 150 Isabella St., Ottawa, ON K1S 1V7
613-699-5125 • Email: Peggy Cameron |